Learn to speak the language of Excel.

​​​​If you are new to using Microsoft Excel, you have probably experienced the overwhelming feeling of staring at a blank new sheet with no idea what to do. 

How do I enter my data? What do all these buttons do?  Where do I even start? 


It can feel like trying to follow a manual written in a foreign language. 

That's where I come in.

Learn to speak the language of Excel


Should you use a table or a chart to present your data? This guide will walk you through what you need to know to make the best decision for your situation.

Tables vs. Charts: How to Get the Most Out of Your Data

My mission is to teach you to speak the language of Excel.

I believe that proficiency with Microsoft Excel is a critical skill for everyone. In our data-driven world, no skill will make you stand apart more than the ability to quickly and effectively manage, analyze, and communicate with data. Microsoft Excel is one of the most versatile tools available for this purpose.

Unfortunately, it is such a powerful tool, packed with a multitude of features, that it can quickly become overwhelming. Learning all of the features, functionality, and terminology can feel like learning a foreign language. And in many ways, it is. 

Most people don't take this into account when they try to learn Excel. You would never try to learn Spanish by sitting through a 4 hour lecture, so why do people try to learn Excel in marathon training classes? It never works, because your brain can't absorb it all in such a short time period.

Much like learning a language, the best way to learn Excel is through regular, bite-sized lessons that are reinforced with practice and examples from an experienced user.

With the help of an experienced coach and guide, you can become fluent in the Excel features and functionality needed to boost your productivity and advance your career.

Join me today and turn Microsoft Excel into your most indispensable tool for communicating with data.

Benefits of Microsoft Excel Skills

  • Increase Your Productivity
  • Advance Your Career
  • Improve Your Effectiveness
  • Create Impressive Visuals
  • Analyze Data Effectively
  • Improve Communication